2021/10/28 – New Publication in Rural 21

logo rural 21

Wilde, B., Späth, L., Sekabira, H., Krütli, P. & Six, J. (2021). Rethinking the rural-urban relationship based on nutrient recycling. Rural 21, 03, 21, 37-39. external pageJournal Webpage

2021/10/17 – New Publication in Climatic Change

Cover Climatic Change

Nef, D. P., Neneth, D., Dini, P., Robledo Abad, C., & Krütli, P. (2021). How local communities attribute livelihood vulnerabilities to climate change and other causes: a case study in North Vanuatu. Climatic Change 168, 17 (2021). doi: external page10.1007/s10584-021-03221-x

2021/10/01 – New PRIMA Grant at the TdLab


Dr Bianca Vienni Baptista, senior researcher at the Tdlab, has been awarded a external pagePRIMA Grant for the project "Investigating interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity: intersections of practices, culture(s) and policy in collaborative knowledge production" (INTERSECTIONS), funded by the external pageSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The new research group is part of a dynamic and interdisciplinary academic community working in cultural studies of science and science and technology studies (STS).

Bianca will lead a research group focusing on understanding multiple relationships that exist between practices (researchers), cultures (knowledge) and policy (institutions) in collaborative research in Switzerland in order to improve the responsiveness to address societal challenges. For this, the team will use different qualitative methods to study three National Centres of Competence (NCCR) that represent the long-term efforts to combat complex and pressing societal challenges in Switzerland.

The project will expand the theories and methods used for investigating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary by studying practices of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration. It will also focus on the current policy debates around the impacts of and funding of collaborative research.

The key outcomes of this research are (i) consolidating a research program for investigating interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity by opening new research directions incorporating anthropological perspectives, and (ii) contributing to the current policy discussions on collaborative research in Switzerland.

2021/08/27 – New Publication in Climatic Change

climatic change cover

Wenger, A., Stauffacher, M. & Dallo, I. (2021). Public perception and acceptance of negative emission technologies – framing effects in Switzerland. Climatic Change 167, 53. doi: external page10.1007/s10584-021-03150-9 (Open access)

2021/07/23 – Newspaper and TV Reports on Case Study 2021

Enlarged view: TODAY's front page 2021-07-23

The Seychelles newspaper Today and the national television station SBC have reported on this year's case study.

You can find the corresponding links here.

2021/07/12 – BinBin Pearce coordinates EU research project ENCLUDE

enclude logo

The TdLab has recently launched a €3.1 million Horizon 2020 project called Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonization (ENCLUDE). TdLab's member BinBin Pearce is the coordinator and Principal Investigator of the project.

Read more …

2021/06/14 – New journal article about enhancing resilience

cover of journal

Messmer, L., Thom, B., Kruetli, P. et al. Beyond feasibility—the role of motivation to implement measures to enhance resilience. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change 26, 19 (2021).

doi: external page10.1007/s11027-021-09952-7

2021/06/10 – SHAPE-ID Toolkit Launch Event and Policy Panel

Logo Shape-ID

On 10 June 2021 we launched the SHAPE-ID toolkit supporting pathways to inter- and transdisciplinary research involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. DownloadRead more in our press release… (PDF, 103 KB)

2021/03/01 – New journal article about nuclear and hazardous waste

Front page of Journal of hazardous materials

Seidl, R., Flüehler, T., & Krütli, P. (2021). Sharp discrepancies between nuclear and conventional toxic waste: technical analysis and public perception. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 125422.

doi: external page10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125422

2021/02/02 – International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD)

2021 ITD Conference Logo

Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation

Online, 13–17 September 2021

2021/01/01 – Christian Pohl serving as speaker of the TdLab in 2021

Enlarged view: Photo of Christian Pohl

The co-directors of the TdLab have decided to select Christian Pohl as speaker for the year 2020, Pius Krütli for 2022, and Michael Stauffacher will take over for 2023.

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