2022/11/23 – Article about the RUNRES project in the ETH news

Enlarged view: Compost pile

Together with partners in Ethiopia, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa, ETH Zurich researchers are creating circular economies that use processed organic waste and human excreta as fertilizer or animal feed, resulting in higher crop yields and new jobs.
Read more …

2022/09/30 – ETH Medal for doctoral thesis of Agnes Kreil

Enlarged view: Cover page of doctoral thesis

After her last paper made the rounds on twitter, former TdLab's doctoral student Agnes Kreil was awarded the ETH Medal for her outstanding thesis! The award was justified with the following statement: "for her transdisciplinary study about reducing air travel in academia, which is impressive, thought-provoking and of high practical relevance for future activities towards the net zero CO2 goal".

Enlarged view: Cover Environment Development and Sustainability

2022/09/13 – Journal article about case study 2017 in Environment, Development and Sustainability

Pärli, R., Stauffacher, M., Seigo, S.L. et al. Designing interventions for sustainable change in a real-​world laboratory. Environ Dev Sustain (2022). doi: external page10.1007/s10668-​022-02659-y. OPEN SOURCE

2022/07/15 – ETH Board promotes Living Lab "Jurapark Aargau"

Enlarged view: Photo of the Fricktal

In collaboration with external pageJurapark Aargau (Christine Neff), WSL (Silvia Tobias), Eawag (Sabine Hoffmann) and Empa (Patrick Wäger), TdLab (Christian Pohl) will establish a Real-world Lab for Sustainable Development. The aim is to identify sustainability issues relevant to the Jurapark communities for which ETH Domain scholars have possible solutions. Solutions will be testes in Real-world experiments to check for intended and unintended effects. The project is one of external pagefour Joint Initiatives funded in ETH-Domain’s Strategic Area «Engagement and Dialogue with Society». It will start in January 2023.

2022/05/19: Christian Pohl appointed titular professor

Enlarged view: Photo Christian Pohl

The ETH Board has appointed Christian Pohl as a Titual Professor of ETH with the following justification: "In his research, Christian Erik Pohl studies the transdisciplinary research process in the area of sustainability. He has achieved international acclaim for his fundamental contributions to transdisciplinarity research and practice, and is one of the world’s leading scientists in this field of research."

2022/03/31: New Book by Bianca Vienni Baptista and Julie Thompson Klein

Enlarged view: Book cover

We are excited to announce the book co-authored by our group leader Bianca Vienni Baptista together with Julie Thompson Klein, which will be published in April 2022: Vienni Baptista, B & Klein, J. T. (forthcoming April 2022) Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Collaboration across Cultures and Communities. Routledge.
The book can be ordered external pagehere

2022/01/29 – New publication in Risk Analysis

Cover Risk Analysis

Seidl, R., Drögemüller, C., Krütli, P., & Walther, C. (2022). The role of trust and risk perception in current German nuclear waste management. Risk Analysis. doi: external page10.1111/risa.13889 (Open Access)

2021/01/28 – Website for the "Cultural studies of science" group is online


Dr Bianca Vienni Baptista's project group "Investigating interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity: intersections of practices, culture(s) and policy in collaborative knowledge production" has its own web site.
Visit the new site

Enlarged view: Photo of Pius Krütli

2022/01/01 – Krütli serving as speaker of the TdLab in 2022

The co-directors of the TdLab have decided to select Pius Krütli as speaker for the year 2022, Michael Stauffacher for 2023, and Christian Pohl will take over for 2024.

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